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Retirement Living In Brunswick and Glynn County - Georgia

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Area Description

We are located on the Coast of Georgia 70 miles below Savannah, Ga. and 55 miles north of Jacksonville, Fla. Brunswick is the only incorporated city in Glynn County with a population of approximately 16,000.

In our county are St. Simons Island, population 16,000; Jekyll Island with population of approximately 600; Sea Island with a population of approximately 800. The rest of the population on the mainland, including the City of Brunswick is approximately 60,000. We have a diverse economy with a number of industries, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, a regional medical center including a VA outpatient Clinic, regional commercial center, commercial and general aviation, 2 major east-west 4-lane corridors across the state, I-95 running through our County, 4-year college of the University System of Georgia, Coastal Pines Technical College, a major vacation destination with approximately 2 million visitors per year, numerous recreation amenities including beaches, golf, waterpark, etc.

We are a major destination for retirees to mainland Glynn County and the islands of St. Simons Island, Jekyll Island and Sea Island. The entire community has the small town flavor, friendliness, history, beauty and a year round desirable climate.

Includes Cities/Towns: Brunswick, Jekyll Island, Saint Simons Island, Sea Island.

Region Characteristics

Area Amenities

Things to Do, Recreation & Fitness

   You'll find pristine beaches, fun activities, family attractions & more. Visit our Visitor Bureau website showing all the amenities: GoldenIsles.com.

Cultural Activities

There are active arts organizations in the community, the Glynn Arts Association, Island Players, Golden Isles Arts and Humanities, Coastal Georgia Historical Society, Community Concert, and the Coastal Symphony.

Public transportation

Air Transportation in Brunswick provided by Delta. Delta and other major carriers are available in nearby Jacksonville, Fla. and Savannah, Georgia.

Medical Facilities

316 bed acute care facility, Southeast Georgia Health System, serving Glynn, Camden, McIntosh and Brantley Counties which also having immediate care centers serving those locations as well. Most specialties are served here. Only one of perhaps a 100 facilities in the U.S. with Cyber-Knife at a recognized cancer center. As a result of and increasing age population in the region, there are a number of quality retirement communities and services available.

What Will The Climate And Weather Be Like If I Retire In Brunswick and Glynn County, Georgia?

For those of you that retire in Brunswick and Glynn County, you will have hotter temperatures than other areas of the USA.

Winter temperatures are cool with averages in the low 50's and highs in the low 60's. Nights are cold with lows in the mid 40's. Expect some rainy days in the winter.

If the weather in the spring is too cold for the outdoors, enjoy some indoor activities in Brunswick and Glynn County such as a movie, dining, nightlife or some shopping. Spring temperatures are mild with averages in the upper 60's and highs in the upper 70's. Nights are cool with lows in the upper 50's. Humidity may feel "sticky" with muggy evenings. Expect some rainy days in the spring.

Summertime in Brunswick and Glynn County is a great time to enjoy your retirement with a day at the beach, an outdoor concert, a local festival or other outdoor activity! Summer temperatures are warm with averages in the low 80's and highs in the low 90's. Nights are mild with lows in the mid 70's. Expect a lot of days above 90°. Humidity with lots of moisture in the air may feel oppressive. Expect a lot of rainy days in the Summer.

If you retire in Brunswick and Glynn County, you can look forward to fall weather activities such as biking on a bike path, hiking, enjoying a walking path and more! Fall temperatures are mild with averages in the low 70's and highs in the upper 70's. Nights are cool with lows in the low 60's. Humidity may feel "sticky" with muggy evenings. Expect some rainy days in the fall.

Monthly Temperature Ranges

 Month  Low  Avg  High
 Jan  42  52  61
 Feb  45  55  64
 Mar  51  61  70
 Apr  57  67  76
 May  66  74  83
 Jun  72  80  88
 Jul  74  83  91
 Aug  74  82  90
 Sep  71  78  85
 Oct  62  70  78
 Nov  53  62  71
 Dec  45  54  64

Monthly Average # of Hot and Cold Days

 Month  Days Greater Than 90 F°  Days Less Than 32 F°  Days Less Than 0 F°
 Jan  0  5  0
 Feb  0  2  0
 Mar  0  0  0
 Apr  1  0  0
 May  4  0  0
 Jun  11  0  0
 Jul  18  0  0
 Aug  14  0  0
 Sep  4  0  0
 Oct  1  0  0
 Nov  0  0  0
 Dec  0  3  0

Rain & Humidity

 Month  Rainfall  Rainy Days  Humidity
 Jan  4 "  8  43 %
 Feb  4 "  8  45 %
 Mar  4 "  8  50 %
 Apr  3 "  6  55 %
 May  2 "  6  63 %
 Jun  5 "  11  71 %
 Jul  5 "  11  73 %
 Aug  7 "  12  73 %
 Sep  6 "  11  70 %
 Oct  5 "  7  62 %
 Nov  2 "  6  54 %
 Dec  3 "  8  46 %


 Month  Snowfall  Snow On Ground Days  Snowy Days
 Jan  0 "  0  0
 Feb  0 "  0  0
 Mar  0 "  0  0
 Apr  0 "  0  0
 May  0 "  0  0
 Jun  0 "  0  0
 Jul  0 "  0  0
 Aug  0 "  0  0
 Sep  0 "  0  0
 Oct  0 "  0  0
 Nov  0 "  0  0
 Dec  0 "  0  0

Natural Disaster Areas

Cost of Living for Brunswick and Glynn County, GA

Brunswick and Glynn County, Georgia cost of living for Housing, Healthcare, Transportation, Taxes, Utilities, etc.:

Cost of Living




Political Party


Senior Housing Options

State veterans home is in Dublin, Georgia, approximately 2 hour drive away.

Senior Assistance in Brunswick and Glynn County, GA

Brunswick and Glynn County, Georgia offers the following assistance for seniors:

What Job or Volunteer Opportunities Does Brunswick and Glynn County Offer For Retirees?

Numerous opportunities available through United Way agencies and other non-profits and educational mentoring programs.

Additional Information

Visitor Information

Relocation Information

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